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Captura de Pantalla 2021-07-23 a la(s) 12.35.31.png

Ideas about feminist resistance to theologies of the cross

March-April 2020

Suggestions for women to stop carrying the cross of guilt, sin, evil, sacrifice, atonement...


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

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Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

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Ideas about feminist resistance to theologies of the cross

March-April 2020

Suggestions for women to stop carrying the cross of guilt, sin, evil, sacrifice, atonement...


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

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Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

¡Gracias a las 83 personas que levantaron la voz! (2).png

Result of the Call 
Enough of the silencing of the Women Church!

March 8, 2021

Preparing the way for March 8, International Women's Day, #traslashuellasdesophia joins the cry for the genuine inclusion of women in the Catholic Church.

Enough of the silencing of the Women Church!

We thank the 83 people who joined their voices and showed their faces of indignation


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 


Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

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Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

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Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

Adviento 2024 (Tarjeta de presentación (formato de EE. UU.)).png

Infographic of results of the survey on Romantic Love

February 14, 2021

From the Behind the Footsteps of Sophia space, we surveyed to analyze what type of love prevails in couple relationships and what is thought and expected from the union of people. 

Películas, series y documentales feministas

Te invitamos a subir información de películas, documentales y series #feministas.Es muy fácil, solo pincha el signo "+" o el botón y agrega la foto y nombre de la película según la sección a la cual corresponde.La plataforma estará abierta indefinidamente.En ella también puedes opinar, reflexionar y hacer una crítica a alguna película.

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